2021 Korean Government Scholarship Program(Undergraduate)
- Writer김세진
- Date2020-09-15 10:41:32
- Hit1929
- File
2021 Korean Government Scholarship Program Application Guidelines for Undergraduate Degrees
(via Regional Universities for Natural Science & Engineering Majors)
1. Objectives
The Korean Government Scholarship Program for undergraduate degrees is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea for Bachelor-level degrees, which will in turn contribute to promoting the international exchange in education and to deepening the mutual friendship among countries.
2. Total Number of Scholars to be Selected: 12 people
3. Academic Programs: Bachelor's Degree Program (4 years) after preliminary Korean Language Program (1 year)
4. Selection Procedures
* September 21~ October 23, 2020: Application Period
* November 11, 2020: Interview (Telephone Interview)
* Ealry December, 2020: 2nd Round Announcement(NIIED)
* January 8, 2021: Final Round Announcement(NIIED)
* Late February: Entry to Korea